I know there are a lot of people who feel that the only way they could truly believe in a God is that He should speak to them and let them know He is alive. Speech is a word that we put a lot of weight on. Most of us like to hear the words (I love you). I have wondered in the past why God doesn’t just speak to us audibly? The obvious answer (to some), is that we would not have faith (blind faith?) if He spoke with us. Is that insinuating that we have a part in our salvation? See the equation. You and I plus faith and God’s Love equals Salvation. Like the bible says, “The just shall live by faith (alone?). And the other scripture that says, “That without faith no man could be saved”, (the scripture in previous phrase doesn’t exist). So, I thought Salvation was a gift? How can we say it is a gift if we have to do something?...Like (Have faith).
I know people will now argue that we must have faith in order to accept the free gift. We have to take it. God will not force it on us. Well, I disagree. God made salvation available to all of his Children. He did not ask us if we wanted to be saved, He knew our condition of being lost and cheated from our inheritance. He brought us back (reconciled us to His father). He did not ask to give us what is good for us just like our parents know to feed us at the appropriate time, without our acknowledgement of our need.
See, God speaks more in silence than He does in an audible voice. When He speaks, He acts. His words are life giving since the beginning. He spoke and it was done. He speaks today and it is finished. See His words are not sweet nothings they are bold in our face (literal). He took on our likeness. Interesting He made us in His image, yet He took on our image to share His image with us. More adequately to show us His true image of how much he really wants us to come home, to be in His presence. In being made flesh; He said, I want all of you, I want you to be a part of me. I want to be a part of you, in me. He mourns with us in the flesh not just in our spirit. It is interesting to note that He manifested Himself as an all-powerful omnipotent God, human being and a spirit to resonate with our flesh and spirit.
When we suffer pain, externally we know we have an advocate who knows what physical pain feels like, when we suffer internally we know we have a father and son who knows what is to feel abandoned, forsaken and forgotten.
God speaks loud and clear to our circumstances, by inserting himself in our lives not because we ask, but because he knows that if we were to be in a car accident, burning in a car…He won’t ask “may I help you?….(or do you have faith that I can help you?) He is saying I am coming, close your eyes, the windows of heaven are about to break to pull you out of your mess. He doesn’t care if you caused the accident or not, He just wants to save you from the hell fire you are in. He is all about action, which is more effective than for him speak. (And the Word became flesh----Action) In fact the less speech the better…you just want out, don’t tell me how you will do it, please just “save me”... More Below...
Today, we are telling knew believers to focus on faith, and when they fall we say, you must have faith. It is true that faith will strengthen your walk with God. But true faith doesn’t come from us. We must realize that even if we do not know how God will save us, or pass out in the flames, we can rest assure that God wants to save us from our misery. God made salvation for all, those that wake up to his salvation are the ones that know there is nothing on heaven on earth they can do to be saved. You are saved, you have been saved. Salvation from sin is what Jesus paid, why do you still walk around carrying the guilt? We need to allow, Gods presence to move us.
We love Him because He loved us first. We respond in faith not from our duty to have faith, but we have faith because we know we can trust a loving father, who loves us more than life for Himself. Faith is the byproduct of a love response to His love for us.
Why do you think some will be lost since it is clear that he came that we might have life? He came to seek and save the lost, He came to pluck us from the fire. The ones who are lost are the ones who did not appreciate His salvation. The ones who have seen the light and chose darkness. We all have a choice to (accept, believe, have faith), in a God of love. But our acceptance, belief, faith does not save us…It is Christ who does. When we respond in acceptance is not because we solved or added to the equation, but because the equation works and makes sense. Our gratitude doesn’t add to the equation. For instance, 1+3=4. We agree because it make sense, not because we created it.
Like the formula below:
Brothers and Sisters when we look and wonder why Jesus doesn’t speak with us audibly, we must realize that He has spoken more loudly and boldly by speaking to our enemy, “that is it… no more”! It is Jesus who is always accused of not doing anything with the pain the world is in today, But Christ cried out in a loud voice, It is finished…You cannot add to it, your faith doesn’t save you. My Love saves you.
Jesus speaks at our creation and our recreation. “It is finished” by Him, not by our faith and Him.
Our Salvation should not be based by our faith, instead our Salvation should give us our faiith.
I would like to add on more comment my friend said, (Jean) Faith will not save you, but without faith no man could be saved…. (There now do you understand Faith?)
Faith is God’s fruit in us, the byproduct of being planted and rooted in his Love. The vine (Jesus) produces fruit through us (branches).